Take it from an environmental studies student, it can be overwhelming trying to do everything you can to help the environment. But doing just one small thing is better than doing nothing, and starting from square one is better than not starting at all. So, here are three things you can do as we celebrate earth day!
Recycling may seem overwhelming if you haven't done it before. Where do you start? What can be recycled? Where do you take it? If you don't have recycling in your current place of living, a great start is to just look up what options are available in your area. It's also great to check in if you have been recycling to see if you're sending in the right kinds of items.
Look up recycling options through your city, or recycling centers that have drop off locations.
See what kind of things are accepted. Most places accept cardboard, glass and aluminum, but only certain kinds of plastic. If you have an understanding of what can be sent in, it can make sorting out recycling a bit less overwhelming.
Shop Smart
Shopping small and/or local is a great way to support your community and keep small and local businesses thriving. From fash fashion to high emissions from transportation, shopping big can be super harmful. Shopping smart is an easy way to cut out some of those emissions, and sometimes cut costs.
See if there are any farmers markets nearby in your area you can support. They are a great way to interact and connect more with your food and see who grows it.
Shop second hand. From local boutiques and local craftsmen, or second hand stores including facebook marketplace, this is a great way to give life back to items that already exist.
Buy high quality items. They might be more money up front, but it will end up saving not only the environment, but also your wallet! Higher quality items will last longer and help combat fast fashion. Plus, you then have the resale option rather than trashing it.
Look for online businesses that are environmentally friendly. If you do enjoy shopping online, as most of us do, be sure to look for companies that offset transportation emissions with carbon investments. Mavela is proud to offer this for all products shipped!
Stay Updated & Take Action
I would love to say that if everyone recycled, shopped smart, and did their best, the earth would be in great shape. The truth is individuals can only do so much. Staying in the know with your local and state government environmental issues is so important. The more you keep up with environmental topics the more you can help spread awareness to issues you are passionate about, and the more you can hold your elected officials accountable on topics you care about.
Follow environmental hashtags and news sources on social media, set a goal to read one environmental article a week,
Listen to news podcasts while you go about your day.
Take action. Contact your decision makers and let your voice and opinions be heard.
Starting with one small change is all you need to begin to live a life more sustainably.
From the wise words of the Zero Waste Chef, Ann Marie-Bonneau “We don't need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly, we need millions of people doing it imperfectly”.