Celebrate The Earth - Earth Day 2021
Take it from an environmental studies student, it can be overwhelming trying to do everything you can to help the environment. But doing just one small thing is better than doing nothing, and starting from square one is better than not starting at all. So, here are three things you can do as we celebrate earth day! Recycle Recycling may seem overwhelming if you haven't done it before. Where do you start? What can be recycled? Where do you take it? If you don't have recycling in your current place of living, a great start is to...
Mental Health & Fatigue Guilt
If you are prone to anxiety or depression, fatigue can begin to blur the line of stability. If fatigue keeps you in bed all day, its easy to fall into a depressive state or begin to get anxiety about all of the things you didn’t do. It is a vicious cycle. So can we stop being so hard on ourselves and just recognize that our mind and our bodies do some crazy shit and gets a little out of hand sometimes? Can we acknowledge that we are still in the midst of a global pandemic, on a dying rock floating...
Why Material Matters
At Mavela, we are proud of the materials we use. We want to tell you why. Yoga mats can vary greatly in terms of price and material. There are four major components used to create yoga mats. Let’s talk about them - and why we chose ours. PVC Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a plastic-based material that is toxic in all steps of production. Because it is a low-cost material, it is, unfortunately, one of the most common yoga mat materials. It produces dioxins in manufacturing and in disposal, a priority pollutant that does not break down easily. Heavy metals...